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关于疫情防控工作的通知 Notice on Epidemic Prevention and Control(August 2nd 2021)

日期:2021-08-02 来源:


Notice on Epidemic Prevention and ControlAugust 2nd 2021




Dear students,

     Recently, there have been sporadic cases of COVID-19 positive patients and confirmed cases in many cities of Chinathe epidemic prevention and control situation is still serious and complex. In order to further strengthen the normal epidemic prevention and control work of our university and effectively protect the life safety and physical and mental health of students,according to the epidemic prevention and control measures implemented by our universitythe following notice is implemented immediately:


1.    即日起,我校学生非必要不离开江西省辖区,如必须离开者需向学院申请批准(返校前需提前联系办公室victor

From now on, students on campus are not allowed to leave Jiangxi Province unless necessary. If they must leave, they should obtain a consent from their school and should contact the officevictorbefore they come back.


2.    在校学生外出期间做好个人疫情防护。学生一旦出现发热、干咳等症状应及时向学院报告,并及时到医院就诊。

Students should take precautions when they go out . Once a student has fever, dry cough and other symptoms, he/she should contact the office in time and go to the hospital not with public transportin time.


3.    不得前往中高风险地区。目前已在外地学生需严格遵守属地疫情管理规定,不得私自提前返校(需要返校者需提前联系办公室(Victor),违规者按校规校纪处理)。在校学生必须自觉遵守我校防疫管理规定。(已有南昌高校学生,因从疫情区域返校,隐瞒行程后被发现,被学校纪律处分。)

Students are not allowed to travel to medium-high risk areas. Students who are currently in other cities should strictly abide by local epidemic control regulations. Those who need to return to school should contact the office (Victor) in advance. All students must abide by the regulations of our school. DISPINARY MEASURES will be given to those who violates this regulation.(There was one university student in Nanchang who returned to school but concealed his travel history that he had been to high-risk area and was found out later. The students received disciplinary punishment from the university already


4.    目前在中高风险地区学生暂缓返校。对21天内有来自中高风险区的学生或与当地已公布的患者活动轨迹有重叠的人员,实施“14+7+7”隔离,即14天集中隔离、7天居家隔离、7天居家健康监测,格里时间一最后一次离开中高风险地区之日起计算。隔离期第1/2/7/14天和居家隔离、健康监测期满后各进行一次核酸检测。

Students who are in medium-high risk areas are temporarily postponed to return to school. For students who come back from middle and high-risk areas within 21 days or those who overlap with the announced patient activity trajectory in the local area, 14+7+7 days quarantine will be implemented , that is, quarantine in hotel or hospital for 14 days, home quarantine for 7 days, and home health monitoring for 7 days. The date is calculated from the day of leaving the medium-high risk area for the last time. A nucleic acid test will be performed on the 1st/2nd/7th/14th days of the quarantine period and after the completion of the home quarantine and health monitoring period.


5.    如你的健康码变为红码或者黄码,请立即联系学院办公室。

If your healthy code turns to red or yellowplease contact the office immediately.


6.    即日起,留学生公寓暂不接受校外来访,请各位同学知悉并转告你们的朋友,待疫情好转,欢迎再来。

From now on, off-campus visits are not accepted in the international students' apartment. Please be informed and tell your friends that they are welcome to come visit when the epidemic situation gets better.



      Thanks for your attention and cooperation.





Overseas Education School

August 2, 2021